Pylon Celebrating 50 Years of Integration

On April 19, 2012, Florida State University celebrated 50 years of campus integration by joining the hands of over 1800 students, faculty, staff, alumni, community leaders and special guests in a Hand in Hand Across Time ceremony. Radiating from the Integration Statue on Woodward Plaza, three human lines reaching to the east, south and west of the statue signified unity of persons and place throughout the decades. A plaque was passed from Integration hand-to-hand to its final resting place in a permanent marker. There are three of these commemorative pylons: one at the north side of Westcott Plaza between Westcott and the College of Criminology and Criminal Justice Building, one at the corner of Call Street and Stadium Drive adjacent to the College of Medicine, and one at the corner of Woodward Avenue and Jefferson Street.

The Legacy Walk now moves to the north side of the Westcott Building, where you’ll stop at the statue of another former president.