Sundial at Bryan Hall

Just outside Bryan Hall (facing Convocation), be sure to look for a marble and bronze sundial. A gift from the 1917 freshman class, it was nearly destroyed when thrown in a trash heap during a construction project. The sundial had weathered significantly and looked like little more than an old concrete pillar. Thanks to John Raulerson, an FSU outdoor amenities expert and sculptor, the piece was salvaged. This piece of history names the students who presented the sundial to their beloved school during a time of national strife. “It was given right after Woodrow Wilson entered World War I,” explained Raulerson, who spent hours researching the sundial’s history and original inscription: “We will count none but our sunny hours.”

If you visit the sundial, return to Honors Way and look straight ahead to Dodd Hall, considered by many to be the loveliest building on campus.